These books are an illustration and carrier of the Love and Compassion available to us all. I've shared stories from my travels and service around theworld. Your purchase supports the continuation of this work and would make a nice gift as well. Thank you for sharing the Love!

A Spirit of A Chef
A collection of recipes from around the world with heart warming and inspirational stories and photos from our various projets.
Suggested Donation $44.
Domestic Shipping Only.
View Sample Pages Here.

Pilipino Passion
Surviving the wrath of a Super Typhoon Yolanda and risking his life to help rescue 20 other survivors; this is a recollection of the auspicious moments that were guided by the Holy Spirit; an inspirational and moving story, helping to bring a greater spiritual awareness through prayer and action.
Suggested Donation $20.
Domestic Shipping Only.
View Sample Pages Here.